Blue Bouquet Pitcher Pouring Pearls
A small old ceramic vase in the shape of a pitcher is pouring out strings of faux pearls and faceted crystal beads that dangle & move. If looked at from the pitcher positioned upright it looks like a bouquet of golden spires of wire and leaves.
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This Blue Bouquet Pitcher makes a perfect gift! It is built on 1 ½” wide brass cuff. It rises approximately 1 1/2”. This makes the overall height 3 1/4” and 2 ¼” from edge to edge at the center top of the cuff. It will slide down towards the hand on a 7 ½” wrist. Therefore, it is fairly stable and wearable, but without adjustment it fits the 7 ½” to 8 ½” wrist.
As with most of my pieces, the cuff edges at the bottom are flat. When worn you don’t bang and catch the edge on things, but it also makes it stable as a little sculpture.
I often explain that these are wearable: you can wear them to a garden party, but not gardening – you can wear them to a baseball game, but not to play baseball. You get the picture! And, of course, they always look lovely just on display at home.
Things to find on this Eye-Spy-on-a-cuff: old buttons, a piece of Delft blue porcelain with a ship pictured and a golden butterfly.
Some other whimsical creations of mine like this Blue Bouquet Pitcher:
Glamour-saurus Sculptural Art Couture
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